The 2019 Annual General Meeting of this Association will be held in Duffield Church Hall on Saturday 6th April.
Open ringing will be at St Lukes Derby (14:00-15:00), and at Duffield (15:30-1700). This will be followed by a Ringers’ Service, Tea and the Meeting. There will now be open ringing after the meeting in place of the planned quarter peal attempt.
The meeting will feature important rule changes replacing the existing General Committee with a much smaller Management Group. It is important that everyone makes an effort to attend the meeting, as rule changes require a quorum of 35 members to be present. You do not need to attend the Service or take Tea, but please arrive at the Hall by 6:15 pm, in order to be present for the start.
Please send names for tea to Luke Heaton by Wednesday 3rd April.
The following documents are now available
- Meeting Agenda
- Minutes of meeting held at Beighton on 14th April 2018
- Proposed Changes to the Objectives (agenda item i)
- Proposed Rule Changes to create a Management Group, replacing the General Committee (item ii)
- Proposes Rule Changes regarding election of CC Reps (item iii)
- Proposed Rule Changes to enable Proxy Voting (item iv)
The rule change posts have an opportunity to comment on them. Please do so! You will need to be registered on the web site and logged in (as a regular subscriber, and not a DDA Officer or Tower Contact please).
To print the rule change documents, please open in Google Docs, and select File -> Download as … .