Access to the DDA Database is now available for Tower Secretaries to check tower records.
First you need to login as a tower secretary – every DDA tower now has an account on the website. Simply click on lost password from the login page, request a new password, and login using your tower’s email address (* – not your personal login). Then select the Member Services link under Resources from the main menu.
You will be able to change most of the information for your tower, and any DDA Members who are registered at your tower. Could you please check (and update) the email addresses (and postcodes) of your members, as this will need to be correct for them to register as Members on the website. Also, please check the subscriptions due for each member are correct (and if necessary amend their status) – but please do not initiate any subscription payments at this stage.
We would like to record on our database the Tower Captain for each tower. This is for the event that we need to send out urgent safety (or safeguarding) information. Please make sure that the Tower Captain also has an email address we can use! The Tower Captain will not be published on our web site (but can be if also recorded as one of the additional contacts).
If you want to try out the system, you can do so on our test site. You will need to reset your password but use the lost password link on the test site. Here you will be able to pay your subscriptions using PayPal. Please note that this is a test PayPal system ( – please use the id ‘’ and the password ‘D1ngDong’ and see how easy it is! You can also experiment with your tower information (and check the results in the tower listing pages).
If you have any difficulties or issues please email me.
* If you aren’t sure of your email address, go to the tower list page, find your tower, click on it and then click on the Captcha to reveal the email address.