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5th Management Group Meeting

5th Management Group Meeting, 26th January 2020 (from notes by JEB).

Present were; Don Jones (DJ),  Rev Clive Thrower, Lynne Newton,
Neil Westman, Martin Whiteley (MW), Sue Peach, Alison Barnett
and Jane Boden (JEB).

1. Alison Barnett (Southern) and Sue Peach (Central) were welcomed to the Management Group.

2. Apologies for absence were received from Glen Fiddy.

3. The purpose of this meeting was primarily to amend the 6 and 8 Bell Striking Competition rules to allow young ringers to enter their own team(s).

6 Bell Striking Competition (for the Horsley and Arthur Ashby Cups).
The Management Group had previously proposed some changes to the rules and invited the membership to comment on them via the website. Whilst this process was not strictly necessary because the Management Group is responsible for alterations to the Striking Competition rules (under DDA Rule 6), it was felt that a one-month consultation period would provide the basis for rule changes that are well-considered and supported by the membership. The Management Group considered all the submissions and discussed them at length before determining a final version of the rules that take effect immediately (6 Bell Striking Competition Rules).

8 Bell Striking Competition.
The rules were amended to allow a band from the Derbyshire Young Ringers to enter. The rules take effect immediately (8 Bell Striking Contest Rules).

JEB to write up the revised rules and pass to DJ to ensure correctness. The rules will be posted on the website and JEB will email them to all towers, District Ringing Masters, District Secretaries and the leaders of the Derbyshire Young Ringers.

4. Dates of future Association events:

2020 AGM – 25th April – Southern District.

2020 Summer Meeting & 6 Bell Striking Competition Final
th June – organised by the Peak District at Horsley.

2020 October Meeting & 8 Bell Striking Competition
rd October – Chesterfield District

2021 AGM – Proposed date 24th April – Peak District

2021 Summer Meeting & 6 Bell Striking Competition Final
To be organised by the Chesterfield District at Horsley

2021 October Meeting & 8 Bell Striking Competition
nd October – Central District.

JEB reminded the Group that 2021 was the 75th Anniversary of the DDA, Leicester DG and Southwell & Nottingham DG. Various joint events are being considered, principal amongst them a ringing outing followed by a ceilidh on Saturday 30th October 2021.

5. AOB

a. Glen Fiddy suggested (by email) that an Inter-District 10 Bell Striking Competition was held, along the lines of the W W Worthington Cup. He suggested that Saturday 7th November at Ashover might be an appropriate date and venue. The Management Group were happy for him to organise it.

b. MW as Report Secretary to ensure the various reports received by him are circulated to the Management Group for approval. MW indicated that the Annual Report would cost about £950 this year and will include a colour centre-fold.

Date of next meeting is Tuesday 11th February 2020 at 7.30pm.