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3rd Management Group Meeting

3rd Management Group Meeting  21st August 2019. (from notes by Jane Boden)

Present were; Don Jones (DJ),  Glen Fiddy (GF), Rev Clive Thrower (CT), Lynne Newton (LN), Neil Westman (NW), Martin Whiteley (MW), John Fisher (JF) and Jane Boden (JEB). Andrew Hall (AEH) was invited to the meeting. Mr J Thorpe attended the beginning of the meeting to collect the necessary signatures to amend the bank account.

1. Apologies for absence received from Rev Harold Dobbin and  Richard Brooke.

2. Notes from last meeting 3rd June 2019, having been circulated were accepted.

3. Matters arising

a. Education Committee Minutes – DJ reported that he had made enquiries, but the Ed Comm. don’t keep minutes; mostly they meet via video link which are recorded

b. Valuation of W W Worthing Cup – JEB reported she needed to get the valuation

c. Insurance – JEB reported she had emailed Kate Flavell of the CCBR who had passed the request to Ernie Runcieman. There had been an article in the Ringing World 03-05-2019 and another in last week’s issue. This was mainly in connection with insurance and private rings.

d. Retaining attendance records especially DYR –
JEB had spoken briefly with Janet Foulds. JF stated she had spoken with the DYR leaders and thought that records needed to be retained for 5 years.

e. Web link of various ringing courses to RM –
DJ requested AEH to put a list of potential courses available on the web.

f. Peak 2020 – JEB enquired what was happening regarding this. AEH stated that Gill Hughes need confirmation as to whether the Scouts wanted us as an activity. He had some volunteers. It was noted that this was more of a PR exercise rather than recruitment.

4. Matters discussed

a. Martin’s paper which had been circulated in April – DJ stated that a meeting of Ed Comm/Ringing Masters had been held and felt to be constructive, they had not felt that an Assoc RM was necessary.
Agreed to update the web site with Management Group, BRF and Ed Comm ‘highlights’.
DJ stated that it had been a deliberate decision not to change any rules at the AGM except for formation of the Management Group.
Felt important to let our membership know what we are doing,  even if there were no set time limits.
By Friday 6th September the Man Gp inc Trustees would consider the points in Martin’s paper, including if there are any other items that need to be added? Replies to DJ & JEB please.

b. Training Towers – CT had written a discussion paper.
CT proposed to take this issue forward. He would initially talk with Ringing Masters (RMs) then to Towers. Try and produce a list of Towers where learners can go to progress. We have a list of ART trainers on the web but accepted that some good trainers don’t have ART qualification. AEH asked that CT investigated the Birmingham Ringing School.

c. Election of New Members – JEB introduced this item follow a query at the Summer Meeting. All RMs to ensure they have suitable deputies as they see fit to act on their behalf.

d. Rope Bank – Alec Humphrey had suggested the DDA sets up a rope bank – other Association had this set up. It was agreed that this was a good idea although someone would need to take responsibility to record and store the information. Obvious place would be the web site. NW volunteered to take the lead and would talk with Alec, AEH re website and inform the BRF Committee. MW stated that this was a good idea and we already did this to some degree.

e. Association Website – Questions were asked if the yahoo group was working correctly. An issue may be that was set up some years ago by John Cater so AEH may not be able to ‘manage’. Some complaint about duplication of notices however this was probably unavoidable. AEH stated that we did have to use cookies as it ‘tells you where to go!’

f. Mid-week Meetings – At the Education Committee and Ringing Masters Meeting NW and Gill Hughes had agreed to set up a monthly mid-week 2 towers and lunch meeting to encourage members and non-members to ring together. NW stated that they had not done anything over the summer but hoped to organise an event in October as he was on holiday in September.

5. AOB a. Annual Report – MW had prepared a document regarding the annual report JEB would circulate to all towers and MW/AEH would add it to the website.

b. Open Day on 26th August 2019 in Peak District – GF gave details on this forthcoming event.

c. Bishop Libby – JEB stated that Bp Libby had accepted our invitation to be our Patron.

d. Old Annual Reports – AEH stated that he was missing about 7 Annual Reports which he wanted to scan and put on the web site.

e. CT had recently reviewed the Peak District churches’ website and although safeguarding was mentioned we, (the ringers) were not. The meeting felt we ought to be on Church web sites. Could this could be mentioned in the annual BRF letter which is sent out?

f. Subscription Rate 2020 – It was agreed that this should remain the same.

g. Grant to BRF – this would be sorted out by email.

h. Management Group deputies – DJ pointed out that there would no ability to appoint deputies to the Management Group.

6. Date of next meeting DJ would arrange a meeting on a Thursday in November via doodle poll.

2 thoughts on “3rd Management Group Meeting”


    I am logged in as a DDA member, but I cannot open the links to the 2nd and 3rd Management Group minutes. So I have no idea now what is going on.
    Thanks, Sue

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