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Ringing Up and Down in Peal

If you (or your tower) are able to ring a bell up and down on your own, but find doing it together and keeping in rounds all the way is a very different story, then this workshop is for you. Its all about the theory and practice of ringing up and down in peal.

The workshop is in two parts. Understanding the theory behind it all is an often neglected part and will, we hope, help you bring it all together with success. Part one of the workshop lasts about an hour and is not a lecture – more a discussion about problems that people encounter and sharing of ideas. You will be asked to view a YouTube clip before the session which we will discuss.  A handout about the dynamics of ringing a bell up and down will also be sent out before the day.  We frequently find that lack of understanding of technique in ringing a single bell up is the reason behind not being able to ring up in peal. To

The second part will consist of several practical sessions in the belfry. We will take you through the practicalities of ringing a bell up and down with others, initially in small groups on 3 or 4 bells, but later (depending on demand) we will extend this to sessions ringing on 6 or more bells. Because this is almost one to one tuition, the cost of these sessions will be £10 each. The first part of the workshop will be free of charge.

For part one you should have had the experience of ringing a bell up an down. For part two you should have attended part one (which we also ran in 2021) and must be able to ring a bell up and down competently. If you can already ring up and down in peal, but wish to improve your “style”, you can attend the later sessions of part 1 – please indicate at what stage you are at in the comments section of the booking form below.

We can also provide tuition in leading up and down – again please indicate in the comments section.

Ringing up and down in peal is an often neglected aspect of our ringing performances (something you have to do before you can do ‘real’ ringing). When done properly this can be an art form in its own right.

Training Booking
Please provide your name
Please enter your email address so we can contact you.
Please enter the tower you normally ring at
Please enter a phone number, in case we can't contact you by email.
I accept the Terms and Conditions: *
Please give an indication of your ringing capability. Can you competently ring: *

Note: If you have submitted the form correctly, you should receive a confirmation message in response. If you have entered your email address correctly(!), you should also receive a confirmation email.  If you don't receive either of these then please try again!