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Promoting Ringing – Including downloadable & customisable Resources

Share the Bellringing Derbyshire Website and Facebook page

NEW Bellringing Derbyshire website – for non-ringers in and around Derbyshire: Find out more about ringing and contacts to try ringing:

Please share the website link widely, including on your tower/church/community website and social media.
Download the QR code – use it with the URL and/or keep it on your mobile phone, so people can just scan it when you get chatting about ringing – or give them a Business Card!

The website is a partner to the Bellringing Derbyshire Facebook page – Ringing events, news and information for non-ringers:

Business Cards

NEW business cards – to give to interested non-ringers who would like to find out more and give it a go.
Carry a few in your wallet/bag – you never know when you’ll need one!

Outdoor Banners

NEW weatherproof banners for hanging outside towers/churchyards.
Contact your District Committee to borrow one when your tower is actively recruiting, or having an open day, etc.

180cm x 90cm with eyelets for hanging with string
Waterproof and lightweight
Rolls up for easy storage and carrying

Some Ideas and Easy Ways to Promote Ringing at Your Tower

  • Display a notice with ringing times and contact details in the church porch or outside notice board. Download one from the Porch Notice section below.
  • Keep a stock of ringing flyers with your tower contact details on for giving to non-ringers and putting out in church. Download one from the Flyers section below and customise it with your tower’s details and ringing times or contact the Public Relations Officer (Susan Hall).
  • Encourage wedding couples to see what they are paying for after they book the bells for their wedding by inviting them to your practice: explain about ringing and give them a backstroke taster lesson and a flyer. Perhaps arrange it so they can pay the bell fee at the same time.
  • Put a display inside your church about ringing locally: your bells, your ringers and your ringing achievements. Make use of open ground-floor ringing chambers and tower doors as display areas. Put some flyers nearby.
  • Use a colourful display about ringing when you open the tower for visitors or to use when you give a presentation. Download the pages you require from the Displays section below.
  • Send a photograph and short article about your ringing for a special event to local newspapers and magazines. If your article is people-focused and cheerful it is likely to get published.
  • Contact your local radio station about your forthcoming event or ringing achievement to get a mention on the radio.
  • Use the Bell Ringing Derbyshire Facebook page to promote your ringing and share it with your friends.
  • Ensure that your church website has a bell ringing section with links to and from this website (
  • For further ideas and advice, download the CCCBR Engaging with the Public leaflet, explore CCCBR publicity material, or contact the PRO (Susan Hall).

Engaging with the Public

Flyers – keep a stock for giving to non-ringers

Download and customise flyers for your tower, church leaflet stand or event:

  • Download this PDF onto your computer: Bell Ringing Flyer.
  • Open the PDF, click in the Contacts section and type in your contact details (ideally a name and phone number plus your tower’s email address, plus other information e.g. ringing times, website, Facebook page, etc) (maximum 2 lines of text).
  • Print on one side at a time then turn over the paper and print the same on the reverse and cut in half.

Experience Vouchers

These vouchers for ringing lessons can be given as prizes or freebies to encourage people to try ringing.

Porch Poster – display essential information about ringing at your tower

Download and customise a poster to display in your church porch, external noticeboard or tower door.
It’s available with or without a space to add a QR code to a recording of the bells:

  • Open the PDF, click in each of the 4 sections and type in the details (1: Tower name and/or a short introduction/description; 2: Bell details; 3: Normal ringing times; 4: Contact details ideally a name and phone number plus your tower’s email address and relevant websites and social media pages).
  • Print and display!

Tower Open Day Poster

Download and customise a poster for your tower open day:

  • Download this PDF onto your computer: Tower Open Day Poster.
  • Open the PDF, click in each of the 4 sections and type in the details (1: Tower name/location; 2: Date; 3: Times; 4: Contact details and/or more information about the open day).
  • Print as many as you need!

Special Bell Ringing Poster

Download and customise a poster to let people know about special ringing which will take place:

  • Download this PDF onto your computer: Special Bell Ringing Poster.
  • Open the PDF, click in each of the 4 sections and type in the details (1: Tower name/location; 2: Date; 3: Times; 4: What the ringing is for; 5: Contact details and/or more information).
  • Print as many as you need!

DDA Event Poster (for ringers)

Download and customise a poster for your DDA event:

  • Download this PDF onto your computer: DDA Event Poster.
  • Open the PDF, click in each of the 8 sections and type in the details of the event.
  • Print as many as you need!


Here are clear and colourful displays about ringing:

Powerpoint (PPTX), Presentation (ODP) and PDF files are available to download from here: All Display Material in various formats.
Please feel free to use as much material as you would like!

Roller Banner

The DDA has one eye-catching, self-supporting roller banner for indoor use (or in a gazebo/tent), which may be borrowed (subject to availability) for any event within the Derby diocese where ringing is promoted (e.g. tower open days, fêtes, fayes & festivals).
The banner is the same design as the CCCBR banners – click here to see images.
For further information or to borrow the banner, please contact the Public Relations Officer.

Bellringing LogoBellringing Logo

The original Bellringing logo has been improved and is totally free to use as you wish on anything ringing related and with any other branding or logos.
Different colours and options are available to download from here.


Future Bellringer Stickers

Sheets of Future Bellringer stickers are available to buy from the CCCBR website under ‘Recruitment Stickers’.
Children enjoy receiving them, so it’s worth keeping a sheet or two in your tower ready for young visitors!


CCCBR Bellringing Branding

Information on the branding is available on the CCCBR website, including items to buy.



Fun with Bells – Podcasts

The brilliant Fun with Bells podcasts are aimed at non-ringers and new ringers, with useful hints and tips and interest for experienced ringers too.

One of the first 3 podcasts is with Emily Hall, the founder member of Derbyshire Young Ringers, who started ringing at age 7.
Emily gives lots of interesting tips on how to progress your ringing, and Pip Penny gives further tips at the end of the podcast, so please listen until the end.

Emily also encourages anyone who might be interested in ringing to give it a go, as that is the only way of knowing if it is for you.
Links to this and other episodes are also available via the Bell Ringing Derbyshire Facebook page – please like and share with your friends.

You’ll find all of the episodes on the Fun with Bells website, where there is an option to subscribe to hear about new episodes as they are released, so please sign up.
You can also find Fun with Bells on its own Facebook page – please like and share.

Sharing these podcasts is an easy and entertaining way of explaining to people what ringing is about, so please use them to promote ringing. Let’s get everyone listening to them!


Produced by Sue Hall: Sue is happy for anything to be used providing her name is kept on the copy.
Acknowledgement: Some images used in the promotional material have been sourced from the internet.