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Old Brampton is ‘Highly Commended’ in the ART Youth Group Award 2020

Old Brampton Young Ringers were placed ‘highly commended’ in the Sarah Beacham Youth Group Award from the Association of Ringing Teachers (ART).

The judges’ report is on the ART website.

The award ceremony took place on 14th March 2020 at the ART Conference at Hilton.

They were awarded a prize of £200 to be spent on benefitting youth ringing at Old Brampton and the young ringers have been voting to decide how the award money should be spent.

Tower Captain Sue Hall said: ‘I am so proud of the young ringers for this achievement. The judges were particularly impressed that the youngsters included ringing in their school projects and presentations, and that they continue to enjoy ringing at university and take part in ringing events across the country.’

What some of the young ringers said:
Ruby: ‘It makes me feel happy, it’s different from anything else I do, and I enjoy seeing my friends.’
Rowan: ‘There are loads of opportunities to try different things in different places with your friends.’
Joseph: ‘It’s like one big family.’
Tom: ‘I enjoy ringing at church and in the wider ringing community.’
Lucy: ‘I like learning new methods.’
Alice: ‘I enjoy being part of a group and progressing my knowledge of ringing.’

Ringers from Old Brampton who are now at university also enjoy the friendship and support of their university ringing societies.

The full article is on the diocesan website and also in ‘Our Diocese Together’ magazine (May 2020 page 4).

It was also reported in ‘S40 Local’ & ‘S41 Local’ magazines’ website and as a full-page article in April’s edition on page 74.

Also in ‘Twist & Wings’ magazine April edition on page 15

And also in the Derbyshire Times on 9th April 2020:



In The Ringing World (number 5700, 24 July 2020, p732):