Education Booking Formby Web Master22nd February 20203rd April 2022Also look for forthcoming courses on our calendar. Training Booking Name * Please provide your name Email Please enter your email address so we can contact you. Tower * Please enter the tower you normally ring at Phone Please enter a phone number, in case we can't contact you by email. I accept the Terms and Conditions: * Yes Which course are you booking on * Ringing Up and Down in Peal (Student - dates to be confirmed)Ringing up and Down in Peal (Helper - dates to be confirmed) Please give an indication of your ringing capability. Can you competently ring: * Rounds Call changes Plain hunt (on 5 or 6 bells) Plain course of bob doubles or minor Touches of bob doubles or minor Treble bob (e.g. Kent/Oxford) minor Surprise (e.g. Cambridge) minor A single bell up and down Comments (e.g. what would you specifically like to achieve on the course) * reCAPTCHA Note: If you have submitted the form correctly, you should receive a confirmation message in response. If you have entered your email address correctly(!), you should also receive a confirmation email. If you don't receive either of these then please try again! Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ