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Training Request (Individual Ringer)

Use this form for individual requests for training from the DDA Education Committee. Once we have sufficient responses we can plan to run a suitable course – probably on a Saturday morning and/or afternoon.

If you are a Tower Captain or Ringing Master, please use this form. If you are completing the form on behalf of someone else, please make sure you have their consent to provide their personal data (i.e. email address or phone number).

Training Request (Individual)
I accept the Terms and Conditions: *
Please indicate your current ringing capabilities. Please check more than one if you think it is appropriate. Please try to be accurate and avoid overstating your capability. Apart from the first two items, check them if you can do so with only the occasional error.
Please use the comment field to be specific.
Please indicate what you would like to learn. Check as many as apply to you. Please use the comment field to be specific.
For details of the *blue, *red and *yellow pathways see
When could you attend a course? Please tick all which apply. To be specific, please use the comment field.