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30th Management Group Meeting 26-07-2024

Present: G Fiddy (President) GF; Rev C Thrower (CT); S Harpham (SH); E Heaton (EPH); C
Idle (CI), R Taylor (RT), J Boden (JEB); J Thorpe (JT) (Trustee), M Lawton (ML) (Trustee).
1. Apologies for absence These had been received from Andrew Hall.
2. Minutes from the previous meeting The minutes of the 29th Management Group meeting held
on 23rd March, having been previously circulated were
taken as read.
3. Matters arising a. Value of Handbells -ongoing.
b. Safeguarding.
CT reported that the Diocese is aware of non-diocesan
rings of bells and the DDA has no jurisdiction over these
bells. Bishop Libby is concerned of reputational damage.
Agreed to have a note in the Annual Report to indicate
this. Unattached members need to affiliate themselves
with the towers they associate with.
JF/CT will discuss with private rings.
A note in the Annual Report will be put to state that Private
rings will not be covered by the Diocesan’s Safeguarding
c. 8 Bell Inter-District contest rules – after much
discussion it was decided to leave them as they are for the
present. But agreed the team(s) needs to represent the
4. Items for Discussion a. Ratification of REF business – there were 2
applications but no decision yet.
b. 6 Bell Competition – it was agreed that the wording in
Rule one would be amended slightly to reflect grouping of
1. Each team should, as far as possible, consist of ringers
from the same tower or Tower Groups.
This was accepted.
A discussion regarding the bonus was held – should the
bonus be reintroduced? And should the bonus be fixed
rather that a percentage bonus eg if ringing plain minor
add 5 points if ringing treble bob/surprise add 10 points. It
was agreed to ask the members at the ADMs with a view
to altering this for 2025/6.
GF introduced the subject of why the Horsley Cup could
not be rotated. He had members from the Peak telling him
it was too far to travel. JEB explained that the cup had
been given by Mr Else, a Derby based auctioneer who
lived in Horsley for the contest to be held annually. This
was as a thank you to the Cathedral ringers for ringing at
the annual Harvest Festival service. Alternative towers
around from Matlock were looked at, it was agreed that
Horsley is a central tower to travel to and the bells a fair
test to ring. It was suggested that maybe the Arthur Ashby
Cup could be held on AGM Day and that would rotate
around the Districts. It was accepted that there would be
no change in 2025 but after a briefing paper by GF/JEB it
would also be put to the ADMs.
GF enquired if we could buy a replacement Cup as the
Arthur Ashby Cup was badly worn with the plating wearing
away. This was agreed that GF would purchase up to a
maximum of £200. The old Cup would be retired to
c. DDA 80th anniversary 2026 – It was suggested having
all the towers open over the August Bank holiday
weekend. GF agreed to oversee with the towers being
split geographically. Important to have the date out early.
d. An email from the tower captain at Stanton by Dale.
Unfortunately, the towers of Stanton, Dale Abbey and
Risley had rung/chimed their bells for the Coronation, but
these performances had not been published on bellboard
so had been omitted from the Annual Report. It was
agreed that unfortunately we could not correct this
e. CCCBR proposal to increase their fees and seeking
nominations for Trustees – They were proposing a
gradually increase to £1 per member in 2030. The
Management Group accepted this. No nomination for a
Trustee for the CCCBR was forthcoming.
f. Association clothing – At the AGM Neil Westman had
volunteered to organise Association clothing. It was
agreed that he should proceed.
5. Association Rules Still ongoing
6. Ratification of business carried out
by email
Cost of the Annual Report was £1.561 this was accepted.
7. AOB a. DYR – An email had been received regarding expenses
for the DYR taking part in the recent National contest.
(See Appendix one below) the costs were agreed. It was
also agreed that a donation of £30 be made to Sally Brown
for embroidery costs. It was proposed to order a copy of
the Ringing World with the contest for each of the young
ringers, this was also agreed.
b. Derby St Lukes – A request had been made from the
Churchwarden for assistance in getting a band and
teaching them. The Southern District Committee had
discussed this and felt that it could not take the
responsibility for recruitment; but it was unreasonable to
expect the teachers to go to St Lukes; if any potential
recruitments they could possibly make arrangements to
learn on a Monday at the Cathedral. The Management
Committee sympathised with St Lukes but agreed with the
Southern District.
c. Cop26 Day on 1st August –notification of a request that
towers rang for this. It was felt that insufficient notice was
received to ring on this occasion.
Suggested that information should be put on the
Derbyshire Ringers’ Facebook page
d. Concern expressed at the number of subscriptions still
outstanding. It was agreed that nonpayment was covered
under Rule 5 of the Association’s rules. Members must be
given 2 months in which to pay and then their membership
would be terminated,
Entry fee for seven young ringers to attend RWNYC. 7x£5 =£35
Travel for six young ringers. £135.75.
(x1 travels free on the railways)
To save money various Railcards were used.
Supporting adult fares are included in the EMR attached receipt however they are paying
T shirts for the DYR. £24.60
Adult polo shirts £31.56
Total (DYR & Adults) £56.16 receipt for £64.97 (£8.81 spare tops).
Sally Brown for embroidering eight tops with DYR logo. Sally did not want any expenses, we
offered a donation and she said that would be nice. The cost of her embroidery silks could
have been costly. The 2019 embroidery costs were £4.00 per top. In 2023 she embroidered
ten for free and declined any expenses/donation. We feel we must give her something this
year and would be grateful for the management committee to agree an amount.