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29th Management Group Meeting 03-03-2024

Present : G Fiddy (President) GF; Rev C Thrower (CT); S Harpham (SH); E Heaton (EPH); J
Boden (JEB); J Thorpe (JT) (Trustee) in Bakewell.
A Hall (AEH), C Idle (CI) and M Lawton (ML) (Trustee) by zoom.
1. Apologies for absence Had been received from Richard Taylor.
2. Minutes from the 15th February
2024 Meeting
The minutes of the 28th Management meeting having been
previously circulated were accepted and taken as read.
3. Matters Arising a. Value of handbells
No valuation obtained as the handbells were currently out on
Their use has been requested for the Annual Dinner on 6
b. Safeguarding
Following the Safeguarding agreed with the Diocese all
ringers should have been contacted via their Parish
Safeguarding Officer.
Unattached members should opt for their appropriate tower
(ie where they ring regularly) unless non-resident.
There are 3 private rings in the Diocese, ringers there are to
follow their ‘usual’ tower. Unattached members and the
private rings will be contacted to inform them of the process.
Most ringers needed to complete Basic Training
c. Annual Report
These had been printed and would be distributed at the
4. Item for Discussion a. Ratification of REF business
It had been decided to adjust the £1,000 to Derby Cathedral
for a dumb bell, as they had stated there was a delay on
obtaining the dumb bell and requested £350 for new sensors
– this was agreed but more information to cost was required.
b. AGM Agenda including ensuring Officers are
standing for re-election
The proposed agenda was accepted subject to two items of
information to be added.
C Hallam intended to retire as Report Secretary having
completed 3 years in post.
The 4 CC reps were content to be re-elected. It was felt
desirable for younger ringers to be elected.
c. Grant to DYR for their entry into the Midlands Young
Ringers Contest.
The DYR had recently entered into this contest and won the
call change section. Congratulations were expressed. The
cost of the 6 teas to be reimbursed.
d. Role description
Two new role descriptions had been prepared and these had
been circulated prior to the meeting:
Ringing Master – this was accepted but the obtaining of a
Judge was the District Committee’s responsibility not the
Ringing Master.
District Committee to include Young Ringers, Education reps
and BRF Trustees – again accepted but the BRF Committee
rep had to satisfy the requirements of the Charity
Commissioners and the post is ratified at the AGM.
These will be amended and re-issued to Management
5. Association Rules including
striking contests
Association Rules – Need to discuss further and send the
draft documents to new Management members.
8 Bell Striking Rules –
These were reviewed to amend rule 1 (see appendix below)
The alternation was discussed proposed and accepted.
6 Bell Striking Rules –
No decision would be made until the Autumn, but concern
was expressed about the loss of the bonus in the Horsley
Cup section of the contest.
6. Ratification of Business carried
out by email
There had been none.
7. AOB a. Secretary had received the newsletter from the CCCBR
Library and their annual subscription
b. Request received about vinyl recordings. Association
does not have any Saydisc records.
c. It was reported that there are some wooden artefacts
made from old wooden frames some years ago. It was
agreed that these be taken meetings with any money going
to the BRF.
d. Enquires about the scheme to photo peal boards.
Anthony Cotton had taken a lead and had started taking
photos of peal boards but there was a problem with linking
via Bellboard. The Lead of the scheme who rings in the
Staffordshire area and we would continue adding peal
e. ART awards – These would be given at the AGM.
8. Date of next Meeting Suggested to meet on 22nd June.
1. Each District Committee to supply one or more teams comprising their members, all of
whom must be Association members.
A representative band from the DYR may enter if their organisers feel that they would benefit
from the experience.
1. Each District Committee to supply one or more teams comprising no more than 3 ringers
from a single tower in each team, all of whom must be Association members.
A representative band from the DYR may enter if their organisers feel that they would benefit
from the experience.