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28th Management Group meeting

Present : G Fiddy (President) (GF); Rev C Thrower (CT); C Idle (CI); A Hall (AEH); S
Harpham (SH); E Heaton (EPH); Richard Taylor (RT); J Boden (JEB) and J Thorpe (Trustee)
1. Apologies for absence These had been received from Mike Lawton (Trustee).
2. Introduction of new members Steve Harpham (Central), Richard Taylor (Peak) and
Elizabeth Heaton (Southern) were introduced and
3. Minutes from the 27th
Management meeting
The minutes from the 27th Management Group meeting
held on 9th November 2023 having been previously
circulated were accepted and taken as read.
4. Matters Arising a. Value of Handbells – JEB had still to carry this out. At
the moment they were loaned out, so she did not have
access to size etc.
b. Safeguarding – The agreed wording agreed between
Janet Foulds (JF) and CT for the Association, and the
Diocese was signed off by the Bishop. Towers in the
Diocese of Derby would be contacted via Parish
Safeguarding not the DDA, although JF and CT are both
happy to advise and visit District meetings to explain. We
expect the Diocese to put on their website.
c. Annual Report – Number of copies hard to ascertain
exact numbers and if a member wants a copy; this would
be reviewed for next year. Should we make more of local
grouping arrangements eg Monsall Group currently made
up of Ashford, Gt Longstone, Baslow, Edensor &
Taddington. Should the ringers be under ‘home’ tower or
‘the Group’.
Email addresses – a long discussion took place the
consensus was that no personal emails should be
published, but could use non personal emails it was
recommended to send emails via the Association email
system. It was pointed out that only Officers had addresses and these appear to work but
need to check your spam folder! It was noted that the 3
private rings were not covered by the Association
safeguarding, nor was handbell ringing in homes. JF/CT
were having dialogue with neighbouring Associations and
the CCCBR.
5. Items for Discussion a. Ratification of REF business – there was none.
6. Association Rules Still being reviewed. Further discussion in a separate
meeting needed.
7. Ratification of business carried
out by email
There had been none.
8. AOB None
9. Date of next meeting Saturday 23rd March 2024.