Present – Glen Fiddy (President) (GF), Rev Clive Thrower (CT), Chris Idle (CI), Andrew Hall
(AEH), Sue Peach (SP), John Thorpe (JT), Mike Lawton (ML), Jane Boden (JEB).
1 Apologies for absence These had been received from Richard Angrave and Richard Barnett.
2 Minutes from 23rd July 2023 Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting and accepted.
3 Matters Arising Insurance – the insurance on the Wombel, Cups and Hand Bells via Ecclesiastical insurance was accepted. It
was decided to increase the Wombel insurance to £4,000. It was essential that the insurance is for ‘all risk and employer liability’ and covers the use of the Wombel. We need to ensure that if the Wombel is let out to another party they must have third party cover.
Renew of insurance accepted.
Rules – On going discussions. Still waiting for copies of the Ringing World for the DYR who rang in the recent contest.
4 Agenda for the October Meeting
The agenda for the further coming meeting was discussed
5 Safeguarding There had been no further developments since July. The Diocesan Team had however noted our simple errors,
omissions, and inconsistencies for the redraft. The Document will be a Derby Diocese document with acknowledgement of the consultation with the DDA.
6. AOB The question of the proposed questionnaire regarding the Annual Report was discussed. BRF/REF – When the REF was formed the Management Group devolved responsibility to BRF Committee to administer the Fund is there a conflict of interest? it was agreed a designated Fund with grants from the Fund via the BRF Committee, who had 3 Common Officers. It was agreed that the Trustees of the BRF would circulate to Management Group requests with recommendation for approval.
Tower Captains’ Meeting – this was to be held in the Bassett Rooms on the morning of the October Meeting details had been circulated to Tower Captains, from the Education Committee.
At the recent CCCBR meeting the vote to change the number of Representatives had been defeated and so we still would require four members.
Rope Bank – This was to be made easier to find on the website and ensure the email address worked.
7 Next meeting By Zoom on Thursday 9th November at 7.30 pm.