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25th Management Group Meeting


Present – Glen Fiddy (President) (GF), Rev Clive Thrower (CT), Chris Idle (CI), Andrew Hall
(AEH), Sue Peach (SP), John Thorpe (JT), Richard Barnett (RB), Mike Lawton (ML), Jane
Boden (JEB) and Carole Hallam Annual Report Secretary (CH) was invited to speak to item
1. Apologies for

These had been received from Richard Angrave.

2. Minutes The minutes from the 23rd and 24th Management Group meetings held
on 22nd March and 10th June 2023 having been circulated were taken as

3. Matters Arising From the 22nd March meeting

Having a stall and/or the mini ring at either Chatsworth Country Show or
Ashover Show – it was decided to defer as nothing could be done at the
moment. JEB stated that the Diocese was 100 in 2027 and would
enquire about any arrangements.

4. Matters for

a. Annual Report –
Various comments had been received regarding how many copies
needed, the cost of printing 200/800 reports not that much different ; the
quality of the paper the report was printed on; what was included
especially contact details of members, remembering not everyone was
on email; most members in favour of keeping a paper copy rather that
having it on-line; aware of problems keeping up to date with addresses
etc. It was agreed that a questionnaire be sent out to the membership to
see if there was any agreement on content etc.
CH was thanked for attending and left the meeting.
b. Risk Assessment – A question had been received regarding risk
assessments, Melbourne has an example but also look at the CCCBR
c. Mid-Week Ringing – A new venture has started but need a record of
attendance needs to be kept.
d. Insurance – We had received an email from the Insurance Brokers.
f. Association Rules – It was agreed that these needed to be reviewed
in line with the CCCBR model.
g. Young Ringers – Congratulations expressed to the Young Ringers
taking part at the recently held RWYRC at York. It was agreed that the
Association should buy a copy 21-07-2023 Ringing World. as it
contained the report on the event, for the Team Members and reserves.
Concern expressed with the current Rule 6 in the 8 Bell Rules which
states ‘The test piece will be 224 changes of any Triples or Major
Method’. It was felt that they should be encouraged to enter, and it was
proposed and agreed that the Rule 6 should be amended to read ‘The
test piece will be 224 changes of any Triples or Major method; the DYR
Team may ring Call Changes on 8.’

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5. Safeguarding CT Reported back to the Meeting. Discussions with the Diocese were


6. AOB a. Central Council of Church Bellringers – It was possible that at this
year’s meeting the representation of Associations was to be discussed
and the number of Reps could be reduced in the future.
b. First Quarter Peal and Peal Certificates presentation
Agreed that these certificates, which are marks of achievements are
presented at Association Meetings or District Meetings or for the Young
Ringers they could be presented at a Young Ringer event. It was
agreed that generally they should not be handed out on a Practice
c. Plaque for the Association Handbells – It had been suggested that a
plaque should be place in the handbell case to mark that they had been
Sir Arthur P Heywood’s bells. To be investigated.

7. Date of next

The next meeting would be on Sunday 10th September at 7.30 pm in