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24th Management Meeting



Present Glen Fiddy (GF); Rev Clive Thrower (CT); John Thorpe (Trustee); Sue Peach (SP);

Chris Idle (CI); Jane Boden (JEB).

Apologies had been received from Richard Angrave, Richard Barnett and Mike Lawton.

Welcome to new members – Chris Idle (Treasurer) was introduced; GF informed the meeting

that Richard Angrave had been co-opted by the Peak District to be their representative.

Item for discussion –

At the AGM there had been a query about election of members and them being seconded by

District Ringing Masters or their appointed deputy. It was agreed that the requirement for

membership was to ring rounds safely (unaided). It was suggested that if the potential new

member was unable to attend a district event or the District Ringing Master unable to visit

the new member at their home tower a video of the potential member ringing be sent to the

Ringing Master who would then be able to second their nomination. This video must be

deleted at the earliest opportunity.

Safeguarding – CT lead this discussion there has been long and protracted discussion with

the Diocese by CT and Janet Foulds. The proposed document had been circulated in

advance to the Management Committee and all had made comments and observations. CT

was grateful for these and had another meeting to try and sort a document which was

acceptable to all. It was particularly felt unworkable have all members and potential ringers

were required to undertake foundation training.