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19th Management Group Meeting

19th Management Group Meeting held on Sunday 15th May at Coombs Croft, Bakewell (from notes by JEB)

Present:– Don Jones (President) (DJ); Rev Clive Thrower (CT); Annetta Ives (AI); John Thorpe (JT); Glen Fiddy (GF); Sue Peach (SP); Jane Boden (JEB).

  1. Apologies for absence

    Apologies for absence had been received from Mike Lawton (Trustee) and Richard Barnett (Southern). Neil Westman (Chesterfield) had resigned. The Chair of the Chesterfield District Andrew Hall had been invited but was unable to attend.

  2. Previous meeting

    The notes of the 18th Management meeting held on Wednesday 2nd March 2022 having been previously circulated were taken as read and were accepted.

  3. Matters Arising

    a. SafeguardingCT reported that he and Janet Foulds (JF) (Safeguarding Officer) had met with the Diocesan Officers, who are trying to understand the Ringing Community. CT and JF are trying to ensure that training/clearance for ringers is not out of line with other church groups. Although not clear on the Diocesan Chart, training is via the Church of England site. Another meeting is planned. It was agreed that JF would be invited to the next meeting. Action: CT/JEB to invite JF to next meeting. JEB to include Safeguarding as standing item on all future agendas.

    b. Enhancement Fundapplications invited. To be publicised at the Summer Meeting.

    c. Membership CertificatesJEB had had initial discussions with Sue Hall (SH) (PRO) who was happy to prepare some new examples. JEB proposed to ask the Management Group plus SH and the Education Chair and Secretary to a meeting to discuss this item. Possible date would be 18th June 2022. This Group would report back to the Management Group. Action: JEB to send invitations.

    d. Inter-District 10 Bell ContestIt had previously been agreed not to hold one this year, defer to early 2023. SP thought the Central District would not be able to field a team. Action: JEB to include on agenda for early 2023 meeting.

  4. Items for Discussion

    a. Annual Report issues – There had been lessons learnt not least of which was the need to set ‘in stone’ the cut off date and have delivery at least a week before the AGM.  there had been a positive response from the Membership, and we did obtain a discount from the Printer owing to their in-house issue which resulted to the late delivery and error in some colour printing.

    b. Wombel Modification – Is the Wombel sufficiently used and is it fit for purpose – it is difficult to erect and transport and needs 4 people to erect. Should we modify the frame to make it easier to transport and build. It was agreed to speak with Mike Banks who had originally designed the frame to see if improvements could be made. There are other systems now available which uses a system with the bell on the ground and the rope attached to a pulley system. JT was suspicious of the physics of this form of devise. It was felt that a mobile belfry is primarily a PR tool, as was the wombel, rather than a teaching aid. But with a ground ring of bells for demonstrations on an open day it was useful for people to ‘have a go’ on the Wombel. JT agreed to speak to Mike Banks for any options/suggestions about mods to the existing installation. JEB pointed out that at the Central Council meeting being held in Nottingham in September there were to be trade stands etc which may have some other ideas. Action: JT to speak to Mike Banks. JEB to add to futre meeting agenda.

    c. Mobile Belfry 2 – The Central Council had written to Association asking for sponsorship of a new mobile ring of bells, which would be stored in Loughborough at the Bell Foundry. Our Education Committee had discussed this, and Elizabeth Heaton had been in contact with Simon Linford to put some of our concerns and he had replied. The new mobile belfry would be available for hire; during ‘peak’ season every Association would need to pay for the use, however, in the ‘off peak’ season Associations who sponsored the mobile belfry would have a credit against their original ‘loan’. The Central Council had not put any costs forward, but DJ had estimated that it could cost £3,000 for each Association. It had been discussed by the Education Committee and they also agreed that it was a PR tool rather that a training tool. It was understood that the order had been placed for the work to start. CT proposed that we did not contribute to the scheme but wished it well and would ‘rent it’ as and when we needed to use it. This was seconded by AI and accepted. Action: DJ to respond to CC.

    d. Horsley Cup including agenda for meeting – The draft agenda was accepted. It was also agreed that the meeting would be informed of the retirement of the 2 Bell Consultants and President as was disclosed at the AGM. The role of the Bell Consultants was discussed and suggested that the job description should be reviewed; it may be possible to split the role by Districts or someone undertaking a secretarial role. Agreed that a zoom meeting for the Bell Consultants and BRF Trustees should be set up. Action: DJ To set up Zoom meeting.

    e. W W Worthington Cup photos – outsourcing – JEB currently has 3 albums of photos of the ‘historical’ competitions. These photos are available via our website. She was hoping to outsource these to either the CC Library or Derbyshire Local Studies Library. Action: JEB to follow up.

  5. Other Business

    a. Website/database – DJ to speak with Richard Barnett to see if there are any problems; if we need a new system, we may need to buy a system in. Action: JEB Include on next agenda.

  6. Date of next meeting End of August to be another face to face meeting. Action: DJ to organise Doodle poll.